Our Quality
Our coconut oil is extracted from fresh, mature coconuts without using any heat or mechanical presses. While heat extraction is a more time-efficient and cost-effective method, it compromises the integrity of the final product.
Coconut oil is full of delicate micronutrients and fatty acids that are susceptible to temperature, which is why we insist on the traditional Philippine method, which is slow and deceptively simple, never relying on short cuts like heat, chemicals or deodorizers.
Our Process of Extracting VCO
1. De-husk coconuts manually and drain coconut water.
2. De-shell, wash and cut out coconut meat by hand.
3. Press coconut meat to extract milk.
4. Mix coconut water with coconut milk at a 1:2 ratio. Store in a sealed container in a temperature-controlled environment (25°C - 30°C) until natural separation occurs. Skim and filter to remove impurities.
5. Cure for 21 days is temperature-controlled environment. Additional skimming and filtering until oil is pure.
6. Pour into jars, label and ship to Canada!

We’ve considered a lot of different containers and ultimately chose glass jars and bottles. It's superior for its ability to preserve all the coconut goodness we worked so hard to produce. So don't worry, there won't be any off-flavours of plastic in your oil, just the natural taste of 100% pure, raw coconut essentials.